Monday, May 2, 2011

Vil Metayer, "Who's in Charge?" "Why Blame Me?" Blog

         The most efficient point that stand out to me from the book “Chosen But Free” by Norman L. Geisler is the points that he made about “Who’s in Charge?” and “Why Blame Me?” from chapter three and four. In chapter three he started by telling us why is God in charge. As we all know God created the heaven and earth from the very beginning and also created everything that is living and growing around us, “God was there before all things” as Norman mention in his book, (Col. 1:17). God is the uncreated one that we all Christian worship and praise because we do not put any other Gods before him. He is in charge of all things, and we all must follow his direction has printed in the book. Without the book we would become lost from his words, also we would lost all the great values that he has in stored for us in our life time. There is no other God like the God we praised and worship every single day in our lives.
           God can do all things and controlled all things, he can controlled all human lives just like he controlled good or bad angel or Satan action toward us Christian. He gave everyone a reason to live and a direction to follow and we must fulfill those deeds that he put before us whether we like them or not. Gods power is greater than everyone because his controlling over everything that we own. He is might and superior before all things.  Which bring us to the next chapter “Why Blame Me?” I believe that we should never blame another human dignity because we do not have the power to judged someone else dignity because none of us is perfect, God created us individually and individually he will take us because he will judged us base on how we live on our previous life. Reason why we blame someone for something that we’ve done in our life is because we do not want to take the blame and carried it on our shoulder by ourselves so we need someone to carry the burden for us by blaming it on someone else. Just like Norman is saying in his book we blame Satan for every mistake that we done in life because we do not want to take the sin that we have cause before God, instead we blame it on Satan, but again God is the creator of Satan so all things that we cause in our life I believe they are done by free will because it was given to us from God himself.
I know the blame fault started when Adam blames Eve for making him eat the apple and Eve blame Satan for making her take the apple and take a bite out of it, and Satan blame God, so it like a cycle that would never end until God said enough is enough of the blaming game. We choose to do all thing base on our free will so we should of not blame other people base on our action if we cannot paid the consequences. To conclude this God will always and have always been in charge of all things and we need to stop blaming other for our action and take responsibility for what we have done.

Words count: 559

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Vil Metayer Worshiping In Church

Worship, there are so many ways that we human worship in church. In fact, if we look on how different culture worship in their churches we will find so many different aspect on how each culture worship in their church, but at the end of the day we are worshiping only one God, the only one who died for our sin and raised from the grave after three days. I know that people have different genre of music that they love listening to, but as for worshiping music and praising the Lord I do not believe it should matter on what type of music that we should be played at the church to worship our father because he did not complaint about anything when he was sacrificing his own life to save all of us from our ransom. So why should it matter on what type of genre we hear when worshiping at the church. At the same time people tend to forget what is worship is all about. At some churches their worshiped music does not seem to be the type that a Christian would expect to hear from a church to worship to, but it’s still music and I am sure God is happy with it. I know that as a Christian the way we view things are always wrong before our eyes, but before God our savior it might not be. Because God created us all individual so why should we judge someone on how they worship or do certain things that they do. I believe we should leave it to God and he will dealt with that individual being in the matter that they would understand and get what God is trying to provide for them. None of us are perfect, but we were created as messengers to travel and spoke of his word, so there is no blame or shame on how we do things before our kind in this Universe.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Vil Metayer Testimony

My story is not perfect or greater than any other person testimony of how they come to know the father, but we all have a story of our gained our salvation through Christ and how we are fighting for the love of our savior Jesus Christ. I grew up in a Christian home, but never accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior, I always attended church back in my home country, but when I moved down here to the state things starting to go on a different direction for me because Satan was trying to get a hold of me. God held me under his wings and protect me from all of Satan attempts that he tried to take my life away from me, well not my life God's life because it belongs to him. It was during spiritual emphasis week when i total submitted my whole life to my Savior Jesus Christ because his spirit was flowing all over my body and that was my call to surrender all and give him all that I own. If it was not for him I would of been in a different place now but he keep me alive and am very grateful for that.

Words Count: 203

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